- Search Animation: Linear Search | Binary Search
- Sort Animation: Selection Sort | Insertion Sort | Bubble Sort | Radix Sort | Merge Sort | Merge two sorted lists | Quick Sort | Partition in quick sort
- ClosestPairAnimation
- Sudoku Solution | EightQueens Animation | Sudoku Animation
- Tower of Hanoi
- Heap Animation
- Convex Hull Animation
- Array List | Linked List
- Stack | Queue
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree | Splay Tree Animation
- 2-4 Tree Animation
- Red-Black Tree Animation
- Linear Probing Animation | Quadratic Probing Animation | Double Hashing Animation | Separate Chaining Animation
- Graph Algorithm Animation (for DFS, BFS, Shortest Path, Finding Connected Components, Finding a Cycle, Testing and Finding Bipartite Sets, Hamiltonian Path, Hamiltionian Cycle)
- Weighted Graph Algorithm Animation (for Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Path, and Traveling Salesman)
- The 24-Point Game
- The Largest Block Animation
- String match: Brute-Force, Boyer-Moore, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Compute KMP failure function